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Tips for Homeowners: Wells and Well Water

Tips for Homeowners: Wells and Well Water

WELL ANATOMY All wells must be constructed by licensed well drillers in accordance with state regulations. The well must pass inspection and the water should be certified as potable (drinkable) by the health department before the well can be used. The components of a...
Tips for Homeowners: Gasoline Contamination

Tips for Homeowners: Gasoline Contamination

Question: How can gasoline enter my well water? Answer: Over the past fifty years, many buried gasoline tanks have been abandoned or not properly monitored and are now leaking gasoline into the environment. Unfortunately, once gasoline or fuel oil is lost from the...
Tips for Homeowners: Well Water Testing

Tips for Homeowners: Well Water Testing

When should I test my well? Test a new well that has been drilled.  After the contractor chlorinates the well and pumps the chlorine clear, allow the well to return to normal conditions for about a week – then contact a lab for testing. Test before the water is...